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Sober Living vs Rehab: What is the Difference?

The Differences Between Sober Houses and Rehab

Some transitional housing facilities accept credit card payments or offer in-house financing. Generally, the cost of living at a halfway house ranges from $100 to $2,000 per month. Most facilities with basic amenities cost about $400 to $800 per month, depending on their geographic region.

Can You Still Go to Work While in A Sober Living Home?

The Differences Between Sober Houses and Rehab

Both halfway houses and three-fourth houses provide a recovery-supportive environment. A halfway house is a structured, recovery-supportive, temporary living arrangement for someone stepping down from the inpatient level of care. It is meant to help with the transition back to the community, but this time, as someone in recovery, not active addition. While adjusting, they continue to receive therapy or counseling and are also encouraged to participate in volunteer service, seek employment and enrich their daily living skills. There may also be a limit on how much time a resident can stay at the halfway house.

  • However, walking back into the same life — the same home, surrounded by the same people and often in the same high-risk environment — is never ideal.
  • In short, rehab provides intensive, structured treatment for addiction, while sober living homes are for people who are looking to maintain their sobriety in a sober environment.
  • Halfway homes are used in the US to house people who have recently been released from prison to combat homelessness.
  • This 24/7 support is conducive to adjusting to a new way of life and providing a safe community for those in early recovery.

Can Anyone Go to a Sober Living Home?

Sober living houses can foster peer encouragement, camaraderie, character development, and accountability in residents. The outcomes of living in such an environment can include positive health, behavioral, and relationship changes. Sober living homes for the LGBTQ+ help them recover by focusing on self-acceptance, peer support, and mental health. Substance abuse may have taken years of your life, so sober living homes can help you regain them. Lastly, it allows you to build meaningful sober relationships and bonds. Whether you’re looking for Los Angeles rehab or sober living, the staff at Silicon Beach Treatment Center can help.

Difference Between Sober Living Homes & Rehab Centers

The Differences Between Sober Houses and Rehab

They offer a higher level of focus on social support, giving you someone to talk to and help you. They also provide the same types of services most sober homes do, such as helping you to make it to 12-step meetings and teaching you life skills. Sometimes people use the term halfway house and sober living home interchangeably. Both residences provide a space where people can live as a group and ease themselves back into daily life following a stint away from home. However, the way they work, the length of stay, and the funding options differ. Maintaining sobriety can be a difficult process, however, a sober living house may provide you with the kind of structure and support you’ll need to maintain your sobriety.

Red Flag: No House Rules

Meetings were held both in the home and in neighboring organizations in the community. Those searching for the right sober living home should look for facilities with reputable staff, and a safe and productive living environment and culture. Given these struggles, men-only homes usually focus on early treatment, mental health support, relapse prevention, and aftercare programs. In rehab, you typically live at a treatment facility & follow a structured schedule explicitly designed for you to help you get through your addiction. Halfway homes can become crowded and take on the form of a dormitory for adults more often than not. Halfway houses offer residents in need of housing a place to stay but don’t emphasize creating an environment supporting emotional or physical wellbeing.

The Differences Between Sober Houses and Rehab

How Can I Pay for a Sober Living Home?

  • However, there are several key differences between these sober living environments.
  • When you’re looking for a sober recovery home, be sure to ask what’s included in the monthly rate and what is extra.
  • There is no time limit on how long someone can live in a sober living house.
  • In a sober home you will have a chance to connect with others in recovery, like in inpatient rehab.

A significant portion of these facilities is drug rehabilitation facilities. While living in a recovery residence, individuals are encouraged to find work, study, or participate in volunteer opportunities. This enables residents to accept responsibility sober house vs rehab for themselves and their future and establish a daily routine and purpose. Life skills training is often implemented and includes how to manage money, time, motivation, relationships, stress, and other factors more effectively.

Going to rehab first and sober living second gives you the best of both worlds. Rehab centers follow a myriad of philosophies, some approaching treatment utilizing the 12-step program, others following a religious or faith-based approach. Others adopt group therapy and therapeutic community practices, much like the 12 steps, but without the framework of the steps themselves. If you or a loved one are searching for a safe, reputable sober living situation for men, then look no further than Ethos Recovery.

What is a Sober Living Home?

If you’re having a hard time adjusting to a sober life, reach out to a mental health professional who specializes in addiction and substance use. While some may be hungry to integrate back into society after a stint in a treatment program, there is an expectation that you will remain an active participant in the home and follow its rules. Some sober living houses may be placed in neighborhoods with high crime rates.

The Differences Between Sober Houses and Rehab

The structured environment & accountability reinforce recovery principles. Additionally, residents develop essential life skills and learn how to live a successful, independent life. For someone who’s recently sober, the period of adjustment after completing an addiction treatment program is an especially vulnerable time. Spending time in a transitional living environment can help sustain a person’s newfound sobriety. In some areas around the country, halfway houses are actually licensed treatment environments that offer a longer term options as compared to the typical 28-day inpatient program.